The rug below was taught well by Laurie wiles at Teacher's workshop. Why I did not do it like she taught, I do not know. I wanted to take the pattern and change it up. I first changed the fish because the original fish to me, were too cutesy. I made each fish a different kind but used the orange wool. I put a compass rose in the middle and used orange wool. That was not a problem. I should have stopped. But no, I added the words, "Surf's Up" around the rug in the cirlces and that made it too busy. Not to be out done with too busy, I then made each circle left into a different motif. Not done yet, I made the end of the pie shapes into beach-related items. Not realizng I shoud stop, I added a larger border. I then dyed wool to whip it but did not like it so took it apart then I edged it with bias cut pendelton wool. This was a plaid. I had to stop. If you want to get dizzy after your bath, have this rug in your bathroom. You will either get dizzy seeing it on the floor or throw-up on it, which might, in the end, make it appear better.
What was I thinking anyway. A lesson to learn. No mistakes-just lessons
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